Fall Returns

Greetings All!

Just a very quick note to welcome in the new semester, and let you know of two developments.

First, a brand new tour:

( If for any reason, this link doesn’t work for you, you may watch this video on the Vimeo site, directly HERE)

For an I-Phone friendly version, click HERE

This footage is part of a much longer documentary we are putting together on FDR’s Harvard and the Restoration of the Suite, which will be hopefully ready this fall.

Secondly, I would like to appeal to all of you to help us put our financial house in order. As you know, several months back we launched a $50,00 capital campaign. So far, we have raised only $5000. Part of our problem is that we’ve always accepted donations on a rolling basis, rather than asking for your continuing generosity annually, which means that while some of you have given quite recently, many of you have given generously a year, or two or three back.

We’d now like to press a giant reset button, and love for you to become annual members, contributing whatever amount you’re comfortable with, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or more, on an annual basis each September. The details of the various membership levels are available HERE, where you can also donate securely online. These annual memberships would help tremendously in evening out our finances, and allow us to plan our educational outreach programs more cohesively. Already this fall we’re leading HAA walking tours, organizing student trips to Brimfield, and planning for two to three new Fireside Chats, as well as another issue of the GoldCoaster, on top of the already promised documentary.

All these activities take funds, and we could really use your help. As always, your contributions to the Foundation are deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Thanks as always for your continuing generosity.


Some People Read History. Others Make It.
Come make a little history: support the FDR Suite Foundation!