Little Known Characters in America: Stephen Early

Stephen Early

Stephen Early born on August 27, 1889, was a U.S. journalist and government official. His career started when he met Franklin D. Roosevelt while covering the 1912 Democratic National Convention as a reporter for the United Press.

From 1913 to 1917 Early was the Associated Press correspondent covering the Navy Department, during which time he became better acquainted with Roosevelt.

During World War I he wrote for the Stars and Stripes while also being attached to an Infantry Regiment. Upon his return to the United States he was asked by Roosevelt to be the advance man for the 1920 vice presidential campaign. Following the election, Early returned to the Associated Press. In 1927 he became the Washington representative of Paramount News.

After Franklin Roosevelt was elected president of the United States in 1932, he hired three White House secretaries whose duties were to be responsible for press relations. Stephen Early was one of the three Roosevelt selected for the job.

Roosevelt thought Early was the ideal person for the job of being the White House Press Secretary. Finding favor with the President he held the position throughout the entire Roosevelt administration.

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