Bestsellers of 1903

virginian1In our continuing search to furnish the Suite, we’re looking for period books, among them the bestsellers of 1903. If you have copies of these books in good condition that carry publication dates before 1904, we would be delighted to accept your donation. Occasionally, these items appear on ebay as well, and are undoubtedly lurking on dusty store shelves across the country. So next time you’re in a used book store, take a look around for us!

1. Lady Rose’s Daughter, Mary Augusta Ward

2. Gordon Keith, Thomas Nelson Page

3. The Pit, Frank Norris

4. Lovey Mary, Alice Hegan Rice 4 copies

5. The Virginian, Owen Wister 306 copies

6. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, Alice Hegan Rice

7. The Mettle of the Pasture, James Lane Allen

8. Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to His Son, George Horace Lorimer

9. The One Woman, Thomas Dixon Jr.

10. The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, John Fox Jr.