The Fourth Annual FDR Memorial Lecture and Reception

We are delighted to finalize plans for the Fourth Annual FDR Memorial Lecture and Reception at Adams House, Harvard College, this coming April 30th 2011 at 4:30 PM. This year we are truly honored to welcome Dr. Cynthia Koch, a huge friend to the Restoration, and Director of the FDR Presidential Library and Museum, who will be offering an intriguing view of how FDR led the nation during the Depression through popular education, overcoming fears and political obstacles by explaining clearly and directly to the American people how often unorthodox policies might improve their daily lives. (Something we could well do with more today, I fear.)

Our longtime supporters will note that this April, we are moving to our previously announced schedule of alternating years of full banquets and receptions; on the 30th, we will be hosting Dr. Koch’s lecture in the Lower Common Room, followed by a cocktail reception in the Conservatory. Fear not though: our famous FDR raw bar remains – yum – and as always delicious hot hors d’oeuvres and a happily stocked bar will greet attendees. Dress this year: comfortably casual.

Note: as the LCR seats only 80 persons, we are on completely first-come, first-served basis this year, with Foundation supporters given preferred front row seating. Please email me ASAP to reserve your place at Tickets are $35; payment will be at the door, by check or cash only, to benefit the FDR Suite Restoration. Reservations required.

One comment on “The Fourth Annual FDR Memorial Lecture and Reception

  1. walter rowland on

    Sorry , can’t make it. Would be nice ot have a balanced speaker comment on FDR’s New Deal as having Fascist elements, not entirely Commuinist or Socialist. The elements of central control were common to all these movements. Today we endulge in chaos as a metaphor but in those days they were more consciously desperate. Walter Rowland’61

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