There’s never a bad time for a party at old Adams, and in true House spirit, residents celebrated the 250th anniversary of Apthorp House on a raw day this past April. A great cast of characters was assembled, spanning the entire history of the House.. Despite the weather, spirits ran high:

The parade departs after some quick instruction by chief kazoo master, Judy Palfrey, seen in the white bonnet and blue skirt. Left to right: Edward Daniel ’12 (with tuba), Carl Pillot ’12 (with drum), Sean Palfrey ’67, Chip Lockwood, George Zisiadis ’11 (with flag), Collin Rees ’12, Annie Douglas ’12, Chase Carpenter ’12, Chris McCarthy ’12. In the background: David Seley, Judy Palfrey ’67, a prefrosh (with tambourine and red folder), Jack Cashion ’13, Father George Salzmann.

The parade returns! Note the nifty Adams House scarves! Foreground to background — Conductor – Chip Lockwood, Antone Martinho ’13 with bagpipe, Carl Pillot ’12 with drum, Edward Daniel ’12 with tuba, Annie Douglas ’12, half of Collin Rees ’12

The cast assembles in front of Apthorp – gentlefolk all.

Isaac Shivers ’10 and Will Skinner ’09 return to view the proceedings from on high.

Kiley McLaughlin ’11 nestles one of the many cuddly creatures onhand recalling Apthorps agrarian past. That this bunny most likely would have wound up on the Reverend East Apthorp’s table wasn’t mentioned – at least not to the rabbit.

Meanwhile, the crazy old Apthorp gardener, suspecting fowl play, hunts for his favorite rooster!

Antone Martinho ’13, incarnates one of Apthorp’s Victorian gentlemen.

The Reverend East Apthorp – our own Father George Salzman – welcomes the crowd to his home,
noting that any similarity between Apthorp House and a Bishop’s palace is entirely coincidental.

Co-master Sean Palfrey as General Burgoyne

Food aplenty: Fondue prepared by the Apthorp Elves, led by Tamara Rodriguez-Reichberg ’04.
Almost every resident crowded into Apthrop in an enthusiatic attempt to eliminate left-overs.

Happy Birthday House! Cake prepared by resident tutors and culinary experts Aubry Threlkeld and Amara Madu ’06