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We've Missed You!

If you are an Adams Alum and didn't receive an e-mail notification from us, either you're not on the House list or we don't have a current e-mail address on file. Whichever way, we've missed you! Send us an e-mail at editor at goldcoaster dot fdrfoundation dot org with your name, year, and e-mail address, and we'll get you sorted. (You should also update your email with the HAA.)

Affiliates of the House, as well as parents of current students are also encouraged to sign up. Just let us know your affiliation, and you're all set. Current students, tutors, and Senior Common Room members will automatically receive e-mail notifications of new issues via the House Office; no additional action is required.

Finally, if you think any of your Adams pals may not have received our e-mail, please do us the favor of forwarding this link along with a note letting them know about us. Over 1500 Adams alums are currently not registered with valid email addresses, so your help is appreciated!