Arrange a Private Tour of the FDR Suite
As the FDR Suite is located in a functioning College dormitory, security concerns prohibit opening the Suite to the general public. Private half-hour tours of the FDR Suite may be arranged, schedule permitting, with a minimum of three weeks advance notice for Harvard students, affiliates and alums. Qualified parties from outside the university may also be considered on a rare case by case basis. Groups are limited to twelve, and all tours are subject to the permission of the House Faculty Deans. The fee for private tours of 5 or less is $500; 5-10 $1000; 10-15 $1500; 25 or more, $2500, 75 or more, $4500. All tour fees go to support our first-generation lower-income student undergraduate programming.
Specially ticketed alumni group tours at reunion time are also available, subject to available time slots. The donation for class tours varies: 5,10,15 year reunions, $500; for years beyond 15, 20, $1000; 25 and beyond $2500
Please fill out THIS FORM to request a tour.
The Suite is also open for free to members of the Harvard Community for ticketed, timed group tours at various times during the year.